6 Easy Ways to Motivate Yourself to Declutter
Decluttering your home can seem like a daunting task. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but with the right mindset and some helpful tips you’ll be decluttered in no time!
This blog post will give you six ideas for how to motivate yourself to declutter your home so that it feels less overwhelming and more manageable. Check out this post about making time for decluttering your kitchen.
6 Best Tips to Motivate Yourself to Declutter
What is the lack of motivation?
There can be many reasons why you may lack motivation to declutter your home. Maybe you feel like you have too much stuff and don’t know where to start, or maybe the task of decluttering feels too daunting and overwhelming.
As a mom, working full time, making meals, taking care of home and everyone in it, its easy to assume that there is no time to declutter.
It’s important to remember that decluttering your home can be a gradual process, and there are small steps you can take every day to improve the state of your house.
Even if it doesn’t seem like much at first, taking even one step towards making your space feel more manageable is progress! Motivation comes in many forms
Why does lack of motivation happen?
There are many different things that can cause a lack of motivation when it comes to decluttering.
Maybe you don’t know where to start, or maybe you feel like the task is too daunting and overwhelming. No matter what’s holding you back, these six tips will help get you moving!
6 Best Tips to Motivate Yourself
Here is the meat of your post. You’ll break down the problem into a list of easy-to-accomplish steps to help your reader.

Tip 1: Make a List
One great way to motivate yourself to declutter is by making a list of the reasons why you want to declutter. This can help remind you of your goals and keep you focused on why you’re doing this.
Maybe you want to declutter so that your home is more organized and functional, or maybe you want to declutter so that you can have a more relaxing and stress-free environment. Whatever your reasons may be, write them down and refer back to them when you feel overwhelmed or discouraged during the decluttering process.
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Tip 2: Listen to Your Favorite Music
Sometimes all you need is a little bit of motivation to get going. Put on your favorite song and dance around the room for just five minutes. You’ll be motivated once again to keep up with your decluttering project!
Don’t forget that it’s okay if you don’t always complete every task at 100%. Sometimes, taking one step forward is better than taking two steps back.
When you start to feel overwhelmed, take a break and come back fresh later on. Start again where you left off and see if that’s enough of an energy boost to help get rid of more clutter!
Tip 3: Visual Your Future Self
Imagine your life after decluttering. Visualize yourself living in a clutter-free home and how good it will feel to have less stuff to worry about.
When you’re feeling motivated, think about the benefits of decluttering such as more space, peace of mind, and a sense of accomplishment. These positive thoughts can help push you through when you’re feeling unmotivated.

Tip 4: Make a Plan of Action
Break down the task of decluttering into smaller, more manageable steps so that it feels less daunting.
For example, decide to declutter one room per day or one shelf per day. This will help keep you on track and motivated as you progress through your decluttering journey.
Tip 5: Have an Accountability Partner
Find someone who is also interested in decluttering their home and work together to stay motivated.
Keep each other accountable by checking in with one another regularly, sending daily motivation texts, or working on your decluttering project at the same time so that you can keep each other updated!

Tip 6: Have Fun With It!
Decluttering doesn’t have to be a chore. Turn it into a game by challenging yourself to get rid of one item per day or setting a timer and seeing how much you can declutter in just five minutes.
This will make the task more fun and help keep you motivated as you progress.
These are six great tips for getting yourself motivated to declutter your home. By using some or all of these ideas, you’ll be well on your way to a clutter-free life!
Which tip will you use to help you get motivated to declutter?
Let me know in the comments!
Stay Positive! Stay Motivated!
Talk Soon,
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